Psychology Apologizes for claimes Black Women as being less attractive

I’m sure most of you have had of the latest “scientific” study published by “evolutionary psychologist” Satoshi Kanazawa in Psychology.
Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the institution, published his comments few weeks ago on a blog and claimed he had analysed data from an online study of physical attractiveness.
In his article for Psychology, Kanazawa wrote: "Black women are … far less attractive than white, Asian, and Native American women." The piece drew a barrage of complaints from readers and has since been removed from the site.
After weeks of being on the hot seat, Psychology, the journal that published the article, “Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?" has issued an
Well, I am pretty sure attractivness is a personal preference I do not think there is a scientific way to messure somones attractivness.